7th Global Conference on Economic Geography
June 4-8, 2025
Clark University, Worcester, Massachusetts

Governance Challenges for A Sustainable and Inclusive Future
Globally, we are witnessing an urgent need for new forms of governance and institutional transformations that can improve development outcomes and protect and enhance democracy globally. Political polarization and the role of social media, the rise of populism and regional disparity, and the persistence of autocracy all challenge democratic institutions, and various government-sponsored social protection. Globalization has been challenged by rising protectionism, and the new reality of frequent global pandemics signals the future of recurrent supply chain disruptions. Technological change, such as social media, big data and artificial intelligence are opportunities as well as challenges for governance at multiple scales. Last but not least, climate change challenges the lives we lead as we know it; in both day-to-day and international mobility, in global distribution networks and supply chain fragility, and in energy generation and consumption. What are the technological, institutional, and governance solutions that would lead us to a more sustainable and inclusive future?
Through economic and geographical research, our goal is to develop research agenda that contribute to designing a more sustainable and inclusive world. With three key themes – governance, sustainability and justice – we hope to catalyze new research agenda for economic geographers through this conference.
We look forward to seeing you at Clark in June 2025.
Key dates
Conference dates: June 4-8, 2025
June 4th: Registration starts at 1pm, followed by keynote speeches, Economic Geography Centennial celebration reception
June 5th all day: Paper sessions and Roundtables
June 6th all day: Paper sessions and Roundtables
June 7th all day: Paper sessions and Roundtables
June 8th morning: Paper sessions and Roundtables, fieldtrips
Registration will begin in Fall 2024 (to be announced)
The GCEG is the largest international conference dedicated to Economic Geography
- Cutting-edge research concerning the sources and drivers of socio-economic change, and an assessment of the economic geography of places in a multi-scalar and multi-dimensional context
- Implications for businesses, policy makers, planners, and teaching
- Plenary sessions and debates with eminent scholars, policy makers and practitioners
- Hundreds of presentations on a variety of relevant themes, incl. inequality, development, finance, technological change and innovation, knowledge and skills, production and consumption, planning, digital platforms and peripheral places.
- Inspiration, networking and best-practice sharing with close to 1,000 people from around the globe
- Exhibitions by leading publishers
- Opening reception, conference gala dinner, and other networking events
Contact: clark@gceg.org.

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