
Instruction for registration and abstract/session submissions


To register, follow the link below.  Note that you will first be taken to the AAG website. AAG is serving as our logistics provider for this conference, and we will be using their system to set up sessions, submit abstracts, and collect registration fees for GCEG 2025.  If you do not already have an AAG log in and password, please create a free AAG account first.  Once you create an AAG account, you can proceed with completing the registration.

Register for GCEG 2025

Once the registration is complete, you can proceed with submitting an abstract and submit a session for paper presentations and/or panel discussion.

Link to Submit a Session, Submit an Abstract, Abstract Gallery, and Session Gallery

Open calls for papers that have been circulated to date can be viewed from the Session Gallery (link above) or see Calls for Papers page.

GCEG accepts all submitted abstracts and organized sessions for presentation. The registration fee must be paid prior to abstract submission.

You may only submit one abstract for presentation and be a panelist in one panel session. If you opt not to submit an abstract, you may be a panelist twice. There is no limit on how many sessions you may organize. Each session is 100 minutes (4 paper presentations and a discussant, or 5 paper presentations).  GCEG will reserve the right to combine sessions if an insufficient number of abstracts are included in a session.

How to Submit

To submit a session, navigate to the dropdown menu above under “Sessions.” Enter your session details and add your call for participation if you are seeking abstracts or panelists. Throughout the process, you can add any specialty group sponsors, session organizers, chairs, and any non-presenting participants such as introducers, panelists, and discussants.  

When you select “Save and Set Agenda,” your session will be added to the gallery; however, you will still need to add presenters or session participants using their abstract code to your session.  

Adding Presenters and Participants 

On the Agenda page, enter the abstract code for each of your presenters. The code will populate the abstract. Use the associated link to assign to your session and repeat this process for each presenter. As you add participants, you have the option to adjust the assigned time for your presenters, but remember the total time cannot exceed the session allotment. When you’re ready, select ‘Finalize My Session.’ Note that this step is not required, and once a session is finalized, it cannot be edited.  

Abstract and Session Submission Deadlines

The GCEG accepts all submitted abstracts and organized sessions for presentation. The registration fee must be paid prior to abstract submission. 

  • Extended to February 12: Abstract Submission deadline
  • February 12: Session Organizing deadline
  • April 1: Program Released
  • May 1: Program Finalized
  • June 4-8: 7th GCEG at Clark

Visa Information

Visa requirements often change and vary by country, so be sure to visit the U.S. State Department website for the latest information when planning your trip. If you need a visa, be sure to apply early. We recommend applying three to four months before your date of travel to allow sufficient time to process your application.

Travelers entering the United States under the Visa Waiver Program need a valid ESTA approval. The Electronic System for Travel Authorization (ESTA) is an online application process used to determine the eligibility of visitors to travel to the United States under the Visa Waiver Program and ESTA.

If you need a formal invitation letter to submit with your visa application, please contact with your full name, institutional affiliation, full address, and the title of your presentation. Additional tips and information about visa requirements are available from The National Academies International Visitors Office.

Cancellation policy

This policy applies to registrations that are unable or unwilling to participate in the conference. Note that any submissions made will be removed unless you indicate that you are a co-organizer or co-presenter.

25% cancellation fee – Registration opening to March 1, 2025
50% cancellation fee – March 2, 2025 – May 1, 2025
100% cancellation fee – After May 1, 2025

To request a registration cancellation, please email

Code of Conduct

By registering to GCEG 2025, you agree to Clark University’s policies during the conference.